Global Citizen Photo Diary in EAP

Research reflections from the CALD PG Pre-sessional and IFP Text Response programmes

by Jo Kukuczka (Doctoral Student, Open University) & Donna MacLean (EAP Tutor, CALD, University of Bristol)

This blog post reflects on the fruits of our research and teaching collaboration across boundaries, and we dont just mean institutional boundaries. The pedagogical research we report on here took place in the post-pandemic academic year of 2022/2023, the year disrupted by ongoing national HEI industrial action and the cost-of-living crisis affecting all involved. Only the support and dedication of CALD leadership and pre-sessional and IFP Text Response teams and students made this intervention possible under such circumstances, and ultimately enabled closer collaboration between the researcher (Jo) and the teacher (Donna) leading to this reflection. Read on to hear our story.  (more…)