“Grammaring with a twist” to suit the EAP classroom

by Deb Catavello

If you, like me, learnt English, or any other language in fact, using Grammar Translation (a method which now generally enjoys a bad rap) at a time when communicative language teaching hadn’t perhaps quite taken off, this is the definition of grammar you will probably be most familiar with: (more…)

Thinking around task design on the pre-sessional (summer of 2023)

by Grant Hartley and Tony Prince

Addressing a need

CALD’s pre-sessional courses attracted around 580 students this past year, with roughly 80% studying online, all with the hope of being better prepared for their PG or UG courses at the University of Bristol. As such, the focus of the course is on providing students with an experience where they can become more used to the demands and expectations they will meet in their disciplinary studies. With this in mind, students are taken through a weekly cycle of learning activities, starting with accessing academic texts receptively, before being asked to generate a response to that content. (more…)

Moving into EAP: The Transferability of ELT Practices


by Katherine High

After nearly 9 years in ELT I made the transition to EAP in January 2015 – I am now reflecting on how my teaching practice has evolved: (more…)