East meets West: an international student’s observations of Confucian values within western teaching contexts

by Yen-En Kuo


This blog was inspired by the writer’s observations of Eastern and Western students studying on her post-graduate course, focusing particularly on the experiences of Asian students within the UK higher education (HE) system. The author is an international student from Taiwan pursuing an MSc Management at the University of Bristol. (more…)

Fish-bones and Flesh: developing critical thinking skills through structured planning, drafting and editing

by Katherine High

Fish skeleton

How can I help my post-grads improve coherence in their writing?” exclaimed a friend of mine who has recently moved into an academic teaching role. I began to sketch the outline of a fish-bone while asking her some questions, “so if the fish-bone represents an essay, what is the head?(more…)

The role of criteria in shaping our work on language

by Katherine High

Academic Language is nobody’s mother tongue…” is one of the many colourful quotations you will notice splashed across the walls of CELFS when you next visit. But how relevant are Pierre Bourdieu’s words to our pre-sessional students and teachers? (more…)