EAP in Prisons: working together to map out alternatives

by Diana Scott
Deputy Head of Pre-sessional Programmes, Durham University

I’m writing to all who share the mission of helping students respond effectively to their academic demands. You know who you are!

I want to flag up a category of HE student you may not have reached yet.  There are multiple initiatives to bring higher education into prisons (see https://www.prisonerseducation.org.uk/pupil). A popular model involves delivering a UG/PG module inside prison to a ‘mixed’ class of prisoners and run-of-the-mill university students.


Recommendations for the pre-sessional course from a student’s perspective

by Siqi Wang
Siqi WangAs an IGP student, I benefited much from last terms and I am willing to share some experience from student perspective. (more…)

Peer Review in Oral Skills Development – classroom research

Ben F Teach me quote

by Viktoria Tafferner

Because assessment in the learning process, including that offered by their peers, is to help students identify strengths and weaknesses, address target areas of necessary revisions, and most importantly to develop their academic skills, it should be carefully attended to throughout higher education. Undoubtedly, one of the key advantages of peer assessment is that it can be given in greater volume and with greater immediacy than tutor feedback. (more…)

The role of criteria in shaping our work on language

by Katherine High

Academic Language is nobody’s mother tongue…” is one of the many colourful quotations you will notice splashed across the walls of CELFS when you next visit. But how relevant are Pierre Bourdieu’s words to our pre-sessional students and teachers? (more…)