Guide to writing a post for this blog

Thanks for your interest in writing a blog post for the CALD Teaching and Learning Network. We really appreciate your putting in the time and effort to keep the conversations alive and relevant.

The topic

The topic can be anything at all that might be interesting to our target audience of CALD staff. The blog ‘genre’ is very flexible: we welcome both light-hearted posts and academic posts complete with citations and references; we welcome posts with wide appeal as well as ones which select a narrower focus; this is a chance to start the kind of  conversation you want to have with others at CALD.

What to send us:

  • Contributor name(s): e.g. Kaz Yamamoto
  • Title
  • Image / graphic
  • Text: 500 words (we’re very flexible on this one!)
  • Links and/or References: these may be a hyperlink to a webpage, a video, a document you want to share or an image, among other possibilities.
  • Photo and blurb for your profile (something like this)

(If uploading something which may have intellectual property constraints, make sure you gain the permission of the owner before uploading, or choose something else.)

Having difficulty?

Get in touch with us and we will endeavour to absolve you of any sense of guilt help you get your blog post published.

These posts by Paul Hendrie may also help! 1 & 2.

Email Hannah, Mike and Kevin at

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