by Kerry Boakes
This post introduces a resource titled Seeking Transparency in AI – From Black Boxes to Radical Possibilities ( to my colleagues at CALD.
by Kerry Boakes
This post introduces a resource titled Seeking Transparency in AI – From Black Boxes to Radical Possibilities ( to my colleagues at CALD.
by Kerry Boakes
A sociomaterial perspective views a ‘learning space’ as consisting of a range of actors that shape educational practices which are material and social. ‘Space’ is a social construction, according to French philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre (1991); it is a product and a process defined by the power distribution of its social context. Therefore, rather than a static container to be filled, a ‘learning space’ can be considered a ‘sociomaterial’ process that exists through the interconnectivity of human and non-human actors. It allows us to see these different actors not in isolation but in the way they interact with one another. Digital platforms are often seen as tools that we utilise for a particular outcome, but learning space theorists claim that what is happening is more complex (Lamb et al. 2021). (more…)